I Remember IANA

I found this touching remembrance of Jon Postel buried in the IETF archives. It was written by Vint Cerf, a close colleague of Postel’s and the co-inventor of TCP/IP. My favorite excerpt, a summary of Postel’s quiet contribution to a fledgling internet:

Out of the chaos of new ideas for communication, the experiments, the tentative designs, and crucible of testing, there emerged a cornucopia of networks. Beginning with the ARPANET, an endless stream of networks evolved, and ultimately were interlinked to become the Internet. Someone had to keep track of all the protocols, the identifiers, networks and addresses and ultimately the names of all the things in the networked universe. And someone had to keep track of all the information that erupted with volcanic force from the intensity of the debates and discussions and endless invention that has continued unabated for 30 years. That someone was Jonathan B. Postel, our Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, friend, engineer, confidant, leader, icon, and now, first of the giants to depart from our midst.


Now read this

La Marzocco Café

The espresso machine manufacturer La Marzocco recently opened a café near my apartment in Seattle. They formed two partnerships two make it happen: one permanent and another dynamic (I’ll explain in a minute). It’s been a great example... Continue →